1998 Advanced Research Workshop

Future Trends in Microelectronics: Off the Beaten Path

May 31 - June 5,  1998 :  Ile des Embiez,  France

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Explosive development of our professional field will likely lead to profound paradigm shifts in the near future. Identifying the plausible scenarios for the future evolution of microelectronics presents a tremendous opportunity for constructive action today. The main purpose of our Workshop is to provide forum for a free-spirited exchange of views among the leading professionals in Industry, Academia, and Government. Concurrent with the Workshop is a one-day DoD Symposium on Defense Technology in 21st Century

History:     load  [ 1st Bendor ARW (1995)]

Scope:       load [ Philosophy & Topics ]

Format:      load  [ Format ]

Schedule:    load  [ Agenda ]

Workshop is by invitation only. A select group of "principals" has been tentatively identified on the basis of the initial response and recommendations of the program steering committee.

Interested?  load  [ How to contact us ]

To register: load  [ Advance registration ]

Logistics:   load  [ How to get there ]

June 1 - June 5, 1998 (five working days)
hospitality/registration on Sunday May 31
Ile des Embiez
(French Mediterranean island between Nice and Marseilles)


Last minute:  load [word from our Treasurer]

Ile des Embiez:  panoramic view (jpeg, 150K)

Principals:   load [ Speakers and Panelists ]

Organizers:   load [ Committees ]

Sponsors:     load [ Sponsors ]




Title:           Future Trends in Microelectronics: The Road Ahead
Editors:         Serge Luryi, Jimmy Xu, Alex Zaslavsky
Publisher:       John Wiley & Sons, New York (1999)

Ordering info:   ISBN 0-471-32183-4

Manuscripts:     ... too late, the book appeared! Next time...
(just in case):  load  [ Instructions to Authors ]

Preface:         load  [ Tentative Preface ]

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