ESE 556 Project 1
- Partitioning -


Implement and experiment a partitioning algorithm for gate-level designs. The goal of partitioning is to minimize the cutset size, while meeting the area constraints fixed for partitions. Additionally, each group will address some specific requirements/constraints as defined bellow:

Simulated annealing
Implement algo & experiment
 Group 1, Group 4, Group 7, Group 10  Group 2, Group 5, Group 8,
Group 11
 Group 3, Group 6,
Group 9, Group 12 
k-way partitioning
 Group 1  Group 8  Group 12
Each gate is characterized by a set of 4 different rectangular shapes and areas. The shapes differ by their aspect ratio. This will affect the way the area of a partition is calculated.   Group 2  Group 5, Group 7  Group 11
Each partition is described by a set of different areas. This areas correspond to different packaging options. Partitioning has to find which partition areas offer the minimal cutset size.   Group 3, Group 4  Froup 6  Group 9, Group 10

Benchmark Examples

To experiment with the developed algorithms, you will use a set of benchmark examples.

What to hand in?

A technical report must be handed in. The report will contain following sections:

Some links on technical report writing
Online Technical Writing
Writer's handbook
Alen Sherman's advices on writing technical reports


February 23 2006 - midnight .