ESE 355 VLSI System Design - Spring 2007

Instructor: Dr. Alex Doboli, Email:

TA: Pengbo Sun, Email:


The course introduces techniques and tools for scalable VLSI design and analysis. The emphasis is on physical design and
on performance analysis. The course includes extensive lab experiments, a mini project, and hands-on usage of CAD tools.


Upon completion of the course, students will be able to develop, layout, and simulate fabricatable designs of VLSI building-blocks,
such as registers, arithmetic units, finite state machines, and medium-scale VLSI chips. Students will know to design digital circuits
optimized for timing, area, and power consumption.

Lectures: Monday, Wednesday, Friday: 10:40-11:35am;  Earth & Space Science 180
Lab : Tuesday: 2.15-5.15pm; Light Engineering 281A

Course syllabus and additional course documents are available on Blackboard

Lab page

Text Books:

Lecture Slides

Introduction to design of VLSI systems and circuits
Topic 1: MOSFET transistor
Week 3
Topic 2: CMOS inverter
Topic 3: CMOS inverter
Week 5
Topic 4: Combinational Logic Gates (Static CMOS family)
Layout techniques for complex gates.

Week 6
Topic 4: Dynamic logic
Week 7
Topic 4: Combinational logic gates
Week 8
Topic 5: Design of Sequential Circuits.
Week 9
Spring Break
Week 10
Topic 5: Design of Sequential Circuits.
Week 11
Topic 6: Design for Testability.
Week 12
Topic 7: Interconnect.
Week 13
Topic 7: Interconnect.
Week 14
Topic 8: Timing Issues in Digital Circuits
Week 15
Topic 8: Timing Issues in Digital Circuits

Lab Material & Mini Project Guidelines

Office Hours:

 Monday and Friday 1-3pm (Light Engineering Bldg. 261).


Midterm: Wednesday - Week 8, 10:40-11:35am, Room: Earth & Space Science 180.
Final exam : Exam week
Sample midterm exam (Spring 2002)
Sample final exam (Spring 2002)
Midterm 1. Problem 1. Solution
Midterm 1. Problem 2-1. Solution
Midterm 1. Problem 2-2. Solution
Midterm 1. Problem 2-3. Solution
Midterm 1. Problem 3. Solution


Final Grade = Homework1 * 0.05 + Homework2 * 0.1 +
                     Homework3 * 0.1 + Homework4 * 0.1 +

                     Mid-term * 0.2 + Final * 0.2 + Mini Project * 0.2 +
                     Student portfolio * 0.05


Start date
Due date
Jan 24
Feb 12
Homework 2
Feb 12
Feb 26
Homework 3
Feb 26
March 16
Homework 4
March 16
April 6

If you want to share comments or anything else related to the class please send an e-mail to Alex Doboli . Last updated Jan 31 2005